North Macedonia
Europe's last undiscovered destination
Basic information
- Population: 2,070,000
- Position: North Macedonia lies in Southeast Europe, in the Balkan peninsula
- Area: 25,713 km2
- Government: North Macedonia is a Parliamentary republic
- Capital city: Skopje, population: 506,926
- Membership of international organisations: North Macedonia is a member of the Council of Europe and the UN
- Official language: Macedonian
- Religion: The majority faith of North Macedonia is Eastern Orthodoxy
- Currency: North Macedonian denar (MKD)
- Climate: Mediterranean and Continental
- Time: Central European Time (UTC + 1), Central European Summer Time (UTC + 2)
- Average daily temperatures in Skopje: July 32°C, January 5°C
- Neighbouring countries: Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania
- Highest peak: Korab 2,764 m
Why North Macedonia?
Although very small, North Macedonia has a lot to offer. If you are looking for a destination that is not overcrowded or overrated, you should certainly consider North Macedonia. It is the cradle of culture, a crossroads of civilizations, and it is full of natural beauties. For those who enjoy the great outdoors the countryside is a sheer heaven. In the mountains scattered across the country there are opportunities for biking, climbing and hiking. If you prefer civilization, Skopje (a capital with a 2,000 years old tradition), Bitola, Ohrid or any of the delightful stone villages will be the right place for you.
North Macedonia is also full of rich historical attractions. Communists, Nazis, the Ottomans, Byzantines, the Romans and Alexander the Great have all been here. They left a mark on the land and its people.
North Macedonia is a safe and welcoming place, definitely worth to visit.
Ensure a memorable experience that will stay with you forever!
Let`s get started.
- Extremely rich in nature
- Off the beaten track
- Welcoming people
- Value
12 reasons to visit!
Not many countries can offer such a wide variety of amazing possibilities like the Balkan countries can. Here below we have put together twelve reasons why you should visit North Macedonia. These are top things to know about Europe’s last undiscovered destination, but they are not the only reasons why we find North Macedonia so special. There are of course many many more. So drop everything and come and see it for yourself.

- spiritual Ohrid with cobbled streets, lakeside cafes and traditional restaurants, the most seductive destination of North Macedonia
- Skopje, a quirky cocktail of styles
- National park Pelister, the oldest one in North Macedonia
- friendly locals
- omnipresent mountains with blissfully quiet walking trails and fresh alpine air
- Sveti Naum, top choice monastery
- Golem Grad, a home to wild tortoises, pelicans and cormorants
- winery heartland Tikves
- good nightlife
- church of Sveti Jovan, North Macedonia’s most photographed structure
- delightful stone villages
- churches and Orthodox monasteries, many dating back for over a thousand years
Did you know?
- that North Macedonia is rich in Greek, Ottoman and Roman history?
- that in North Macedonia one can still see eagles, bears, wolves, wild boars and chamois?
- that holy Mother Teresa was born in Skopje?
- that Alexander the Great, the king of the former Kingdom of Macedonia, was the first world-size conqueror? He extended his empire across Persia and Greece to Egypt and India.
- that Greeks call Macedonians as Skopjeans due to their belief that the name Macedonia historically belongs to Greece?
- that North Macedonia has more mountain peaks than any other country in the world?
- that the Cyrillic alphabet was invented by Cyril and Methodius, two Macedonian brothers?