Bosnia and Herzegovina
A land of good people
Basic information
- Population: 3,532,000
- Position: South-Eastern Europe
- Area: 51,197 km2
- Government: Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Federal parliamentary republic
- Capital city: Sarajevo, population: 688,384
- Membership of international organisations: Council of Europe and Mediterranean Union
- Official languages: Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian
- Religion: In Bosnia and Herzegovina Islam is the majority faith, followed by a big group of Serbian Orthodox
- Currency: Convertible mark (BAM)
- Climate: Mediterranean and Continental
- Time: Central European Time (UTC + 1), Central European Summer Time (UTC + 2)
- Average daily temperatures in Sarajevo: July 26°C, January 2°C
- Neighbouring countries: Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia
- Length of coastline: 20 km
- Highest peak: Maglic 2,386 m
Why Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is chiefly focused on cultural, religious and historical aspects, but there are also other notable charms, especially its lush, mountainous landscape favoured by nature lovers, hikers, walkers and skiers.
Travellers to Bosnia and Herzegovina should surely not miss the historic centres of Mostar and Sarajevo, where they are able to see splendid stone architecture from the Turkish-era and appealing street-terrace cafes, so characteristic for this country.
There’s more to discover in Medjugorje, a big Catholic Pilgrimage site, and one should also not forget the countryside, as ecotourism is gaining popularity.
All at prices that make the country one of Europe’s best-value destinations.
Ensure a memorable experience that will stay with you forever!
Let`s get started.
- Warm people
- Charming Mostar
- Historical Sarajevo
- Very affordable
12 reasons to visit!
Not many countries can offer such a wide variety of amazing possibilities like the Balkan countries can. Here below we have put together twelve reasons why you should visit Bosnia and Herzegovina. These are top things to know about this astonishing land of good people, but they are not the only reasons why we find Bosnia and Herzegovina so special. There are of course many many more. So drop everything and come and see it for yourself.

- Bosnia and Herzegovina is a treasure-trove of natural and architectural beauty
- truly the nicest people on the planet
- cosmopolitan capital of Sarajevo
- culturally rich folk traditions
- Mostar’s iconic bridge
- Ottoman-flavoured alleys
- easy-access skiing at Bjelasnica
- Jajce, one of Bosnia’s finest fortified towns
- dozens of photogenic castles
- white-water rafting
- lush, mountainous landscape and vast tracks of wild and untouched nature
- lively cafe scene
Did you know?
- that Sarajevo, the capital, hosted winter Olympic games in 1984?
- that the second largest Catholic Pilgrimage site in the world is Medjugorje?
- that Sarajevo was the first city in Europe with a tram line?
- that Bosnia derives from the word »Bosana«, which means water? Bosnia and Herzegovina is very rich in water.
- that Sarajevo Film Festival has become the most famous film festival in South-East Europe, and was established during the Bosnian War?
- that Lonely Planet, in ranking the best cities in the world, ranked Sarajevo ahead of Croatian Dubrovnik?